From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Friday mornings.....

This morning in our Friday prayer meeting, we prayed for our minister’s wife who was , right then, undergoing surgery for breast cancer. Ian is in this photo, next to the man who is wearing a pink shirt. Ian had taken her to the hospital at 7.30 as instructed. At 7.45 she was called through, the first patient to be seen. He was told to go home and they’d call him later to come and collect her and take her home. We heard that by 2.30 she was home. The operation went well and there were no signs of cancer anywhere else and no lymph glands needed to be removed.

We also prayed for Edwin’s family, for one of our congregation awaiting treatment for blood clots on her brain, for Carwyn and Reninca who so recently lost little Noah, for another struggling with alcoholism....

We also gave thanks for successful interviews, for a happy community lunch this week, for help with a house move....

It’s a good place to be on a Friday morning. We call it a prayer meeting...God asks us to talk to him and he will listen. Today, we thank him for good answers. Sometimes we have to wait or even question. Sometimes we just do not understand....

This afternoon we travelled to Guildford and have had a very happy time with friends.

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