
By prostel

Iftar in the street

Ramadan is the holly month for Muslims. Here in my neighborhood ,since there are many refugees and people with low-income, rich people organize free dinners during Ramadan. With the sound of the night pray everybody start eating together after a day they fasted. A lady has invited me to the table but I had had already my dinner in the gym. I do not practice Islam. I kindly refused the offer as I find it very generous.
Ramadan has a purpose to force people to think about people have no regular food and try to test your patience with hunger. This is a good idea however , mostly people put on weight in Ramadan as they eat too much after fasting whole day. I believe, in every-moment to be aware of what you put in your mouth is more important than fasting and having a feast after that.
Religion is still a very important social factor in Turkey and most of the time religious institutions cover most of the social services that a government should provide. It has been changing slightly but so slowly. When these institutions become part of politics, then we have “political Islam” which is not going really well lately in Turkey.
Happy Ramadan!
Love to all.

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