Erysimum Bowles Mauve

Spent another day ( apart from a quick aerobic class) attending the public enquiry into a proposed housing development being held in the village.
I attended for about five and a half hours and Mr P did both full sessions.
Would love to have been doing other things but wanted to give full support to village members who were taking on the developers and the City Council.
How brave they were as they were torn apart.
A real David and Goliath battle.
The hall was packed to the gills and we were reprimanded twice for breaking out into applause as it is protocol for the members of the public to remain silent throughout.
Nipped into the garden to take this for flower Friday when the hearing was suspended for 35 minutes so we could get some lunch.
Lucky we live about 100 yards from the Queen’s Hall where it was held.
Now l need a large glass of red :)
I feel so tired from doing nothing.

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