
By DDon


I've carried on quite heartily the last couple of days about being back here in the drizzle and drear of soggy Western Oregon and out of snowy Central Oregon. Kirb and I busted out to the dog park finally, as the way it usually happens on a Sunday. More people and dogs than I expected, although the rain slackened slightly after a bit. People were friendly and talkative, and we saw a few of the old regulars.

I decided on a close up of the willows and the raindrops. I wore my headphones and listened to a good soundtrack of Celtic Christmas music, which was perfect for the setting. Kirb met up with some of his old buddies, and even walked with an old timer I pictured here back in October or late September. The dogs seemed to have this idea of peace on earth figured out much better than we humans. I like their company better anyway.

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