A Life in the Day

By stayathomemummy


I spent today in Heaton, where we used to live and still attend church. I teach a 17-year old boy the piano once a week, and am currently giving his younger brother a hand with his Grade 5 Theory, in order that he might be able to take Grade 6 Trumpet that bit sooner. Throw in a fair bit of pre-work banter and a cup of tea, a couple of nappy changes and a feed, and I can easily be there for a good few hours. Usually when I'm out and about I feed Joshua at least once in the car, and I tend to listen to the radio whilst doing so - Woman's House on R4, the news on R2 and anything on Classic FM being my favourites. Today I wasn't in the car much so didn't hear until I got home of the tragic news that David Cameron's oldest child died this morning.

I can't imagine what his family must be experiencing right now, and feel so terribly sorry for them. Mr Cameron often spoke very movingly in public of the challenges yet delights of raising a child with Ivan's disabilities, referring to him as "wonderful" and "my beautiful boy". Though his life expectancy was short, he was obviously dearly loved and tremendously valued within his family. Gordon Brown, who has also lost a child, paid touching tribute to the Camerons' little son with great sincerity and can clearly empathise with his political opponent's loss. Both men know that a lost child is irreplaceable.

Such sad news causes me to remember how very fortunate I am to have Joshua, and that I must cherish every moment with him.

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