Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Edinburgh Castle

The sun may be shining on the castle but it was horrible in Edinburgh today. I was feeling particularly dismal about the weather because I had just rushed up Lothian road, being battered by rain and wind, to claim a free Terry's chocolate orange I had a voucher for, only to find the shop was closed. I'd forgotten it was Sunday.

The third and final Christmas concert in the usher hall raised my spirits though. Because the Chorus weren't involved until the second half we didn't get to hear the first part of the concert usually. I took the opportunity to sit in the corridor outside the auditorium and heard a bit of The Snowman which gave me goosebumps. The RSNO are fantastic.

When I got home I also stumbled across The Snowman on TV and enjoyed watching that and singing along to Walking in the Air with my sister - who originally thought it was the infamous Irn Bru advert I was watching. The "sequel" is going to be shown tomorrow. I'm curious if it will live up to the original.

It's Christmas Eve tomorrow...where did December go? After all these concerts in the last few weeks I'm not feeling as festive as I have previously but this always happens - just wait until the midnight service tomorrow. I am very much enjoying being at home though.

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