
By Madchickenwoman

Oh to be...

...beside the sea!
Late afternoon and The Exile and I headed to the sea! My stomach kicked off and if I had not been with The Exile I think I would have turned round and gone home! But I so wanted to be beside the sea and I'd be damned if this stomach of mine was going to stop me! Plus the exile deserved a treat - she'd had troubling news about her course the previous day - Spanish course was cancelled as not enough students, her place was dependant on her learning a second language! However today she heard that she could do Psychology which she did at uni, and she will get a 2 week placement in France and time to bring her french up to scratch! 
My stomach did grumble on and off once we got there but the sea, the dogs and photography distracted me! We couldn't go onto the less rocky bay - dogs banned till Autumn, so we walked along to the other side
Oscar had loads of fun snuffling around the rocks, rolling in the sand and chasing seaweed - but definitly no paddling! Berger Picards are so not water dogs! He did get to snuffle the determined pug that wanted to say hello - I managed to pull him away before he tried mounting it! 
Back for vegetable stew at The Exiles. I thought Oscar would fall asleep but no! He found a mangled tennis ball in her garden and happily tossed it around! I left The Exile to have a chilled rest of the eve and headed home. My stomach bloated to the point I thought I would pop - had to take off my trousers which usually need a belt to keep up, as the waistband was cutting into me! I think when my stomach cramps I must take in air! I shall ask the Dr for an appointment wth a dietician when I speak to him on the 5th June - till then I will keep a food diary again just to see if I can discern anything that may link to the cramping / bloating. I've done this before but hey ho, maybe this time I'll find something!

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