Views of my world

By rosamund


Pick a pad, any pad...
Poor Carlos, even on his day off he always ends up sorting out the tech kit. Today he had to prepare the iPads for the Christmas swap out, Noah is getting Carlos' old one (iPad 3), the old iPad 1 nosh has been using is going to Carlos' step-dad for Christmas and Carlos will get a new iPad mini for Christmas.

He always quite likes tinkering with the apple products as there rarely seem to be any issues. Noah's back up went seamlessly between the 1 and the 3 and the 1 is now empty ready for set up with Hugh tomorrow. This also means Carlos and Noah didn't quite know what to do with themselves for the rest of the evening as neither are allowed their new pads til it's officially Christmas.

I got all the cooking done that I wanted to and Carlos helped for the first time making a delicious butternut squash and sweet potato soup for Christmas dinner as well as tonight's fajitas. I also got all my weaving done so I'm pleased I managed a homemade gift which wasn't a dead cert for being ready in time.

Fiona is coming round in the morning, got a spot more cooking and prep to do then we'll head into town to get Carlos from work then go see his mum and Hugh which will be start of the festivities. Today was really relaxing so looking forward to it!

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