The Calm.....

It was Thursday...Dogs know what day it The Boss went off to see his photographic mates and mateesses for a coffee break. I got left behind. Disgusting..... BUT after lunch...his...It was walkie time...This was unusually complicated as there was a large team of blokes outside our apartment with huge drums of green cable and assorted clever thingies to stick it in the ground. The Boss said that it was fibre. He has fibre in his breakfast stuff and it isn't green.. The Boss does not generally do green things but he assured me it was a great thing and I would be able to watch doggie programs on streaming whatever that is. Then we went for a chilly walk and I got wet paws getting this image and met my Sister PI who smelt OK.
Did you know I had a Sister?  She's not furly like me tho.....
On the walk we passed todays extra... It's a house under construction. 
with a complete inbuilt pool. Dogs are not allowed. I am not sure that photographers were either.....

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