
By shy

Saturday Footy

During the latter end of this week I've been travelling around the South of the country, and haven't managed to take any photographs - what a sinner I am!
I also haven't been anywher near a computer, so I apologise for not even having the chance to look at everybody's work, let alone comment.

Today was the warmest day of the year, and today was the day that Flick and I went off to the footy with emilythepemily and Lance. We picked them up in Peckham, which is generally a rat-hole ("the only people that ever missed Peckham was the Luftwaffe"), but on a beautifully sunny day like today, it was only faintly nauseating.
Having loaded them and their 3 friends into the car, we sped over to one of the most glamourous football clubs in West London - Brentford FC, to watch them play Nottingham Forest.

As with most football occasions, it started at the pub next to the ground, where Flick was able to get four pints of lager down her neck before the game. This blip was taken at the pub, and as you can see, the pavement made an excellent table.

At the match, and two goals up, we were able to sing songs in support of the recently relegated club such as "we're shit but we're beating you" and "you're not famous anymore". Flick joined in with gusto until Forest scored four goals.

After that, we went back to the same pub and watched Manchester United on the big screen.

All in all, a good day.

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