Britons Arms, Elm Hill, Norwich

From a different angle to the one I usually take, looking up or down Elm Hill. This was after a walk along the river with Jane at lunchtime.

Work was good, and in the afternoon I got a message from Manda. She takes mum over to Harlow hospital to visit dad at about 3 and Manda always updates me. Today, she said he seems quite good. Hopefully that means the infection is under control. Good to hear positive news, and also the funny stories she tells me about the other inmates! It definitely helped motivate me to get lots done.

I got home at 6 and at 6.30 Mollie and I did week 1 day 2 of our couch to 5k. Still do not enjoy running, but did it. Then we cooked tea, by which time it was 8 o'clock and I really wanted to go to the allotment. On my bike with the basket loaded up, I then spent an hour up there. I planted 3 courgette plants, earthed up the remaining potatoes (some have come up, but my lines were not very straight!) and picked some radishes - which are huge! See my extra. Now watching Porridge for the millionth time, because most of tv comedy these days is rubbish.

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