Another Panoramic!!!

I am liking this panoramic doodah thingy on the phone BUT I have noticed that I have a tendency to create deformed children when I use it...

Anyhow, after returning Red to bed 3 times between 5 and 5.30. And rahing at Lily to just sneak into our bed at 7 rather than chatter and wriggle. We were woken just before 9 by one of my (I do consider them mine now) Tesco drivers. He was fairly gutted at having to work early on a Sunday and very gutted when he realised he'd woken us...

Only 4 substitutions and they were really rather sensible but not what we wanted. We took Bella into town to rehearse her solo and popped into teeny tiny Tesco for the missing bits. Then off to play on the very newly finished play area at Kimberley Park. We ended up staying a couple of hours as the park now has a cafe too!

Home to straighten Bella's hair and scoff Chicken Basque then out again for the Carols by Candlelight. Bella did really well as there were a lot of people there and she stood up alone in front of them all to sing a song she'd never even heard of 2 weeks ago! A very proud mum moment!

Finally home again to wrap the remaining presents (we ran out of paper last night) in front of a cracking fire..,

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