Playa de Tasarte

Another lovely and hot day, 31 degrees was the highest.  It was cloudy in the far south and far west.

Up early, and headed out after breakfast.  We picked up the hire car by 10am, and headed out for a run straight away.  First stop was Puerto Rico, and had a walk around the marinas and the bay, also stopped for lunch.  Onwards south, Puerto Mogán and Mogán, and various other small villages.  We took the old mountain pass from south to north, wow, it was a scary road, hairpin bends and no barriers at times.  Ended up on top of the mountains, and the highest peak.  The east and south is almost a desert landscape, but the west and north is forest and greenery.  A few pints tonight with holiday friends.

We turned off the main road heading out west, and took a small mountain pass road south.  More hairpin bends, and small villages and croft houses along the way.  As we approached the end of the road, it looked like it was nothing.  To our surprise, there was a couple of old Shetland like fishing houses, boats and a peerie hotel cafe.  We had to stop for a cuppa and refreshment.  Wonderful scenery all the way, but this was my favourite today.  Taken at the end of the road, Playa de Tasarte, Gran Canaria.  

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