
Had the strimmer out for three hours doing the boundaries and clearing edges.

On my rounds spotted a hazel nut cleverly locked in a hole in an olive tree trunk so a nuthatch or maybe jay could break into it. A natural vice.

And on the apricot tree was amazed to see some apricots forming on second season since planting.

Both in extras.

Cool with the nor’easter still blowing. But upside is no horseflies, flies, hornets or mosquitoes yet.

I feel I have the measure of the big strimmer. Very few line breaks and running at lower revs it still does the job brilliantly. Very satisfying. I try and leave the nicest banks and breaks untouched as such a shame to lay waste to the springtime glory.

Lots of prugnoli funghi up. They are eadable but not for me.

One of the new peach trees has peach leaf curl - a fungal infection. Should have sprayed with copper sulphate. Will try a later remedial tomorrow but now I know why the trees are all copper blue in late winter - preventative spraying. Lots still to learn.

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