Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe


This nativity set is older than me!!

I remember playing with it when I was little and arranging all the figures. It is really quite tiny....each figure is barely 2 inches high.... which you maybe can't see. It has great sentimemtal value because my Mum died when I was relatively young and it is a wee link to her. The "stable" at the back is a relatively new addition as my own children made it when they were wee. The faces are badly painted... the kings on the left look positively scary..... and this isn't the best photo .....but it means a lot to me!!!! Happy memories!

We have the most amazing busker in Fort William....often to be found in the underpass....and the other day he was singing topcal Christmas songs. He's great...he sings childrens songs whenever a child passes through. Anyway he was singing a song called "Scarlet Ribbons" which my Mum used to sing to me to lull me to sleep. More happy memories!

Anyway Happy Christmas eve when it comes!! I love Christmas!!!!

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