
By Veronica49

At last...

Greetings to all my Blip friends sorry I have not commented but I have been looking! My tears have dried a bit well I can cope better I have been clearing mothers things she kept every birthday and feast day since 1946! In the end I had to be ruthless and not read everything now I told Sr. Joseph we have to begin on her stuff a hoarder I am tired now so having a break plenty other things to do I was Cook today.
As you can see from the photo we had to get the plaster taken off as it was bulging and cracked and could fall at any time
So the men back in tomorrow to finish off. It’s all to do with health and safety between that and safe guarding and neighbours wanting us to take more trees down we can’t afford to do any more this year.
Also we have had lots of visitors. I still miss Mother life is not the same.
Anyway hopefully I can get back into Blip.

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