Snuggling In The Grass

Oh, they just keep getting cuter.  There are six babies.  One of them always seems to follow mom or dad while the rest do gosling things and hang together.  I wonder if the single one was that first one I saw when I worried there was only one and something bad had happened to its siblings.

On that note, I have another injured goose on my doorstep.  It looks very much like the same condition the other one had earlier this year which was an infection in the leg joint.  I managed to get that one to the wildlife rescue folks and he's now enjoying "retirement" on a waterfowl refuge somewhere in the midwest. I guess that makes me an old hand at goose rescue so I'll try the same with this one.  I am somewhat in the dark about how this injured goose found me so I may have to acknowledge that they communicate somehow when there's a "friend" around.  This poor fellow has been badgered by other geese and looks as though somebody had him by the neck.  I'll be on the phone Monday morning to see if animal rescue can bring me a crate and give me a hand.  

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