Thank You

Thank you for all your kind comments on my last blip - you were all so understanding and helpful.  

This was the view as we entered the field for our morning walk.  The cow parsley is now tall and in flower along on the verges, and the air filled with the songs of the birds.  The walk passed, not without incident.  Merlin managed to find his way into the field with horses (whilst the owners were in the field too!) but luckily returned to us quickly.  Then at the end of the walk, he ran off following what we think was the scent from a fox.  Again, fortunately he returned very quickly.  I am pleased to say that the afternoon dog walk was much more relaxing and we had a lovely time wandering in the sunshine which has become more persistent as the day has gone on.  It was even warm enough to take Merlin to cool off in the stream - he likes to lie down so his tummy is in the cold water.

Andy has been off playing golf this afternoon - he is using his new clubs and trolley for the first time so it will be interesting to hear how he has got on when he returns.  Apparently there is an important football match he wants to watch this evening so I think I might take the opportunity to sit upstairs and read a book in the 'quiet room' we have created.  The room is supposed to be a small bedroom but as we don't need to use it as such, we've put some books, plants and a comfy chair and cushions in there.  The room faces south-west so in the afternoon and evening its lovely and bright and warm.  I sat there for half an hour or so this afternoon and felt much better for it.

Well, hoping you have all had a good day, whatever you have been up to and thanks again for being such wonderful blip-mates.

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