Dear Diary

Earlier: A day long, full on, heavens sent, heavy duty thunderstorm. Up here in my lofty  Ottoman attic, it was the whole show - thunder crack drum rolls that made the room shake, lighting flashes past my windows that made my light crackle, all rather like my own rock concert complete with the steady beating rhythm and roar of rain on the skylights.  This went on for hours. Needless to say, plans to go shopping were aborted, and instead, not being in the mood for knitting or Netflix, I fiddle farted in my sketch book - haven't done that for a while. 

Anyway,  17.00 and the spectacular performance has moved away from this side of Istanbul and the sun is out, in an apologetic kind of way. I am eating almonds in the absence of anything much to make a meal from, apart from a lot of broccoli, so the big question is, "should I stay or should I go" (shopping that is!!) 

Later: 18.50 Lethargy won even though the sunshine looks inviting and so it seems I'll be having a plate of broccoli for dinner. With an egg. 

Weather watch: see above. 
Health watch: marginal improvements detected. Sense of humour update is being reinstalled. Mood variable. Solitude numbs. 

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