
By Beewriter

Teeny Tiny Tangerines

I have just had a very long morning sitting around waiting and waiting.....and waiting. I had a swim and told the girls I would only have a quick cuppa because I wanted to race to the Trafford Centre to get a couple of things for presents. I always leave my shopping to the last minute but thought if I got there as they opened there would be no queues on the motorway, no struggle to park, no huge crowds to fight through and no wasted day.

There have been special early opening times in the week and yesterday, so like a fool I assumed that it would open earlier than usual today too. Oh how wrong I was. I whizzed down the queues, great. I was first on the car park....loads of spaces to choose from...great. I was there just after half nine and thought they would probably open at ten....great, not long to wait. It was only then as I was waiting that I checked on my phone what time they opened. Most people would think to do this before going, but not me. It said 11am....I only live ten minutes away but it wasn't worth going home so I listened to the radio and chilled until half ten. The doors were open and I joined the other people who were milling up and down.

Some shops did open at 11am but not M&S or Boots, the only two stores I needed to go in. I went for a cuppa and and croissant and waited and waited. Twelve o"clock came, I bought the two things I needed and was back home within half an hour. As I left the car parks were packed, the overspill car park as far back as the motorway was virtually full too!

So I have my feet up, eating a teeny tiny tangerine or two and then I'm going with Pat and Carey to Bents for a mooch about and a drink.

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