The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Surprise Request

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had a parents’ evening after school for The Youngest Mini Princess today which went really well. One of her teachers said “you should be very proud.”

We are.

After parents evening, I went out with The Disciple and Monkey Boy. We went to Bannermans as Monkey Boy’s friend was playing in a band called Metatone. It has been YEARS since I have been there and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed since I was a student. The band were pretty good - quite rocky, although they leaned towards heavy metal which is a genre that I have never been able to appreciate*.

The Disciple is getting married in November and the big news of the evening is that he asked if Monkey Boy and I would be his best men. I did point out the flaw in his request (I’m never sure if IT dudes can determine gender) so he changed it to ‘best people.’

He wants a speech but I’m going to have to tactfully refuse because the thought of it is making me feel ill with 6 months to go!


*that was polite me. I really can’t stand it. The distortion messes with my head and as soon as the singing turns to screaming, I’m done. Sensory overload.

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