Horizon @ Hastings Point

Guess where I went today ;-))
This weather really makes one want to get out and about....it was nice for Beetle too...happy dog.
Needless to say I got sun burnt again.......Im sitting here a bit lobsterish ...but not too bad considering my complete lack of understanding of the suns strength on my fair English skin.

I didn't get to take my usual 100+ pics as my friend and I didn't stop gasbagging for nigh on 4 hours except to sporadically chew on our respective lunches...it had been a while.
I guess this image just about sums up the fabulous day the waves were breaking so prettily (as per our conversation  flitting from subject to subject ...mostly art) and it was just smooth sailing in amongst some rather beautiful blues and sweet clouds drifting by.

Besides not much time to be blipping tonight as tomorrow is the boys birthday and we need to have dinner then put him to bed so we can prepare for his special day. We have some exciting stuff planned for him and he reckons he is going to bed early anyway so his birthday comes around a lot quicker.sweet.

“I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!”
Dorothea Mackellar

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