
By DukeOfCeleriac

Half way there!

Two exams down as only another two to go! The first two have gone and well, and I’m confident about these next ones. Just one more week of hard work and it’ll all be over...scary stuff.

It was an afternoon exam, an awkward time, one that leaves you waiting around in the morning not surely what to do with yourself. I had a lie in, and a big breakfast then looked over some notes. Feeling prepared I still had 3 hours until my exam, not wanting to do any there work I just pottered around the flat; reading, eating, lounging, drinking coffee, and anything else to keep busy. Then I set off down to the exam, I quite enjoy the walk to an exam I put my earphones in and walk through the city almost in my own world, mulling over things. The exam went great, couldn’t have gone any better. Afterwards I went to see, some may say distract, JD whom was in the library revising for her final exam next week. We chatted and ate Aero and then she headed back to the library - I was taking the evening off. Not sure what to do, anything but study.

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