More toilet training rants!

Sometimes there is no pleasing humans. For almost three months Ann has been moaning that I never want to go to the toilet. Now that I want to go every 5 mins slight exaggeration she's moaning about that.

We've been in and out a hundred times today slight exaggeration and each time I've had a wee which is good. But I also wee'd in my crate overnight and have had three wee's on the living room floor. Which is not good.

I'm allowed to use the balcony as a toilet, if I'm desperate, which I did this morning (about half an hour after we came back from our first walk). Ann gave me loads of praise and I got treats. Yay! The balcony door has been open all day so why am I not clever enough to realise that is where I have to go????

This evening Ann went off to do a 'meet & greet'. She took me out before she went, she wasn't even out for two hours, and when she came back she was just about to take me out again when I squatted down on the living room floor and wee'd!!! 

Obviously this excessive wee-ing has got something to do with having major surgery a couple of days ago and fortunately I have my post op check up tomorrow.


PS - half an hour since my last wee and I've just had a wee on my puppy pad which is right next to the open balcony door.  It's a step in the right direction so I got lots of praise and treats.  Yay!!

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