Everything but the kitchen sink
It's all a blur ................ life can be like that sometimes. At other times it can be very clear, and today has been very clear. Most of my days are fortunately, my glass is always half full if not fuller ..... Lucky me!
Another early wake up, coffee, so much to do I just can't sit here. Mr & Mrs Blackbird plus the neighbours, the sparrows from next door, plus the two local pigeons called in for their breakfast, I had a quick look at the word puzzle thingy in yesterday's paper while eating breakfast with my caffeine fix. Time to get going, it was a toss up between planting the next batch of broad bean & runner bean plants up the allotment, & weeding the new herbaceous bed I've made here in the back garden. I settled for weeding here as I was off to Exeter with Mum. She needs some new clothes ...... this won't be easy................ but first I must check the oil in my car, a reminder from my husband.
That done, I head off to buy some ericaceous compost, engine oil :), & a pair of scissors for the kitchen. The last pair mysteriously disappeared when hubby fell over, & administered his own first aid a couple of weeks ago.?? Oh, a pond plant ..... don't forget the pond plant. Found 2 damaged therefore reduced priced bags of compost, no pond plant suitable, & could'nt be arsed to look for a pair of scissors. I was a little annoyed by the lack of customer service in the gardening dept. I let a couple of customers go before me as I had to wait for a senior member of staff to give a price for one of the damaged bags. The assistant arrived with what I think was company rep who thought he was the mutts nuts, totally ignored the till person serving me, & proceeded to stand at the till & discuss stock levels............... & breathe. Drove my car around to pick up my goods and bumped into an ex work colleague from my garden centre days, had a lovely chat with David for about 10 minutes. He's such a nice guy ..
Right pick up mother .. off to Exeter .. Park & ride, got on the bus chatting away, when the chap sat behind us asked "Did you say you're from Chudleigh?" blah de blah de blah. He went to Sandford Orleigh school & was trying to trace an old school friend who's wife worked in the the health centre there. Well Ideford does'nt have a health centre so I'm not sure if he'd got his facts right.
Back to the shopping .... we went into M&S as you do... Well, we got ourselves a personal shopper in the form of a member of M&S staff & could'nt shake her off. Mum did make a few purchases, without the p.a, then we escaped. We needed coffee. Coffee fixes everything. Clothes manufactured in Cambodia, Bangladesh & China, our coffee fix Persian. Very good coffee it was too. Food smelled good but it was a tad early. A very persistent seagull was dive bombing some poor young chap attempting to eat a wrap as he walked through the precinct. They are a nightmare on the coast, pestering, & frightening holidaymakers eating their fish n chips/ice creams etc, but this was the first time I'd spotted them in the city. Mooched a bit longer before deciding that we had probably peaked on the retail front, sustenance was required. A very tasty Mediterranean tart with skinny fries plus salad leaves washed down with a Thatchers cloudy haze hit the spot nicely.
A quick look around for an abstract blip .. I managed a couple of shots before noticing some great art work on the wall of a building, made by chipping away the plaster in places to create a face. Very clever. Back on the park & ride .... could we find the car ..I'd joked about how we'd had a few problems on past outings finding the car as we were getting on the bus going into town .. DUH!!! There it was, tucked in between two other cars of a very similar colour. :)
Dropped mum back, then home where I noticed the front "lawn", I use the word loosely, had been cut. Hubby mentioned buying a lawn mower as I was leaving .........
Spotted the blip while making dinner
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting the abstract challenge
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