
By DrSandy

Splutter splutter

The day did NOT start well.

My newly serviced car, started fine............then I had to miss the giant water logged crater, at the back of where I park my car.

I did this, but in the process flooded the car.


I was stuck half way up the hill and blocking the exit out of the complex.

I rolled myself out of the way - praying I would not end up in that damn crater and cursing, Edison and the weather.

After about 5 minutes, thankfully,  the car started.

I was in two minds........... should I just park it and skip gym, or should I go.

I opted to go................ did get there. 

Did the usual : yoga, swim then sauna.

When I emerged from the gym, the weather was a lot warmer.  I got home, in one piece, spent the rest of the day, making the gallbladder out video.

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