Figure Group

I have spent some time today out photographing more sculptures around the Dudley area.  The more I see, the more fascinating I find it all!  This is a group of fibreglass figures I was unable to find a few weeks ago!  Lord knows it's big enough!  I found out yesterday when I was talking to the Dudley Artist that I'd been looking in the wrong place.  My memory had it in the wrong place!  I'm pleased to say that I located it on Birdcage Walk (Why?) today.  I really like the strength of the characters portrayed in it.  Apparently, the blue brick was behind it was added later as the artist didn't like the vista of chimney pots and rear facades behind it.  This of course means that we can no longer see the rear view of it.  The central figure is a female figure and child personifying Education and the Family at the centre of everything.  The male figures portray the local industries of chain making and coal mining with the breadth of their chests emphasising their strength and they tower over the factory chimneys and the pit head gear beside which they work.  You can also see the Dudley Coat of Arms with its lion's head crest.    I hope it gets cleaned up a little one day soon.

Mom was a bit grumpy this afternoon but she drank some of a cup of tea for me.  Good to have other things to do apart from nursing home visiting...  Still waiting for the social worker to call me back - I phoned her again today...

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