live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Orange butterfly

Look, a butterfly. Did you make a wish?

You don't wish on butterflies.

You do so. Did you make one?


It doesn't count.


Started the day at 7.00am, photographed this butterfly then made noodles for my breakfast, also for my Mom and my Dad. Then we all prepared before went to our neighbor's daughter wedding. After wedding party, we headed to Blok M Plaza, we met my sister there, we all watched Indonesia film, i treated them all. Then we shopped, well that was only my sister who bought new shirts, i didn't buy new shirts, nothing suits my taste.

BTW, Today was a Mom's day in Indonesia.
And this poem's for you Mom..

My mother is a special part
Of all that's cherished in my heart,
She is my pearl, my soul, my mate;
She is the one to make life great.
She is an angel without the wings,
Who makes life special with the littlest things,
Whenever I'm in need of love,
She is there from the heavens above;
Whenever I'm in need of a shoulder,
There's no one as devoted as my mother.
-Kirsten Rollander

Happy Mom's Day. Love you always, today, tomorrow and forever. xx

Have a nice weekend everyone!


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