Heart Day

A run first thing then off to Treliske for Smallest’s heart appointment. He’s Ben very subdued today - turns out he’s worried that they’ll tell him he needs an operation. I reassured him as best I could while explaining I’m always a bit nervous too.

Anyway, previous Dr has retired so we saw a rather handsome young replacement! He was lovely with Smallest when I said he was worried. He explained things clearly and reassured Smallest that it would be ok.

The good news is that the hole is still a small hole and hasn’t got bigger or smaller. The valve has been ‘downgraded’ from Ebstein’s Anomoly to a tricuspid valve ‘blast’ - whatever that is. Back in 18 months.

So Smallest is happy, I’m happy and we’re now celebrating the good news (and relief) with burgers at Hubbox.

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