One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Around Hong Kong

Spent the day going to a variety of places around Hong Kong.

Started (accidentally) going to the Chinese Christian Cemetery, which occupies a hillside, (with a visit to the Big Apple on the way - a large scale sculpture in a metro station), then to the market at Kennedy Town (the main blip), following that a trip to the "Monster Building" - a popular spot for students with phones to take many photos, and then I called in at a similar spot along the road which I preferred as it had real life (a market) on the ground floor. 
Finally, as it was dry and the cloud base was high enough, a trip up to The Peak. By the time we got there the cloud base was lower and it was teaming with rain. At times you could see nothing at all, then there would be a brief break and you could see some of the closer buildings.

More in extras, and little to no processing done on the pictures yet.

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