The Holy Quran

During the holy month of Ramadan Muslims can be seen reading the Quran more often and more openly. I remember this from my Cairo days, when many would be seen reading it at their place of work. And so it was today; my haress (caretaker) was reading it at reception today. He seemed quite pleased that I was interested enough to take a photo and so I showed him Blip today too.

My two classes were good and I filled the break with a much needed catchup with Digitaldaze and then a friend dropped by. It’s a long evening, especially when you realise at 9pm you have 1.5 hours, not 0.5, before you finish work..

The day ended with a swim at 11pm. It was still 32 and the club is open until 1am so why not. Hopefully it’ll ensure a good night’s sleep. Goodnight all.

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