Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Balancing act

Return to work with jet lag. Note to self: don’t do that again. Long haul needs two days recovery minimum. Three at my age and level of infirmity. Four to be on the safe side, which in my case is a working week.

Had a good team meeting today. I like my guys. They are a hard working, fun to be with bunch, even when you are jet lagged. Would trust them with my life, although probably not with my bag of doughnuts. All too fond of their food.

These tins finally found their way to the kitchen having been stuffed in some pants for the journey home from Canada and left in the bedroom. For clarity, pants in luggage, not ones being worn. Flying is uncomfortable enough without having chilli powder in your lunchbox. I speak from experience but I can only tell that story when seriously drunk.

I love having stuff to cook with that has come home with us from our travels. But serious culinary enterprises will have to wait until the weekend when I have more energy. I did mow the lawn when we got home and tidied up the garden a bit but that was more out of defiance than enthusiasm. Like these tins I am finding it difficult to achieve a sense of balance ...

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