Green, with a hint of Mystery...
Busy day which included very little time outside. However, when I did manage to step out for a bit, I was entertained mightily by the chipmunks who are now busy chasing each other all over the garden, patio and yard. They are very territorial little creatures and try to defend their food sources - an impossibility here at the Bistro. So, today you get just the merest suggestion of a chipmunk - look closely and you'll see her small brown form behind the leaves. She's plotting an attack. You'll just have to trust me on this.
Actually, I like the shape of the leaves and the overall tone-on-tone of this, even if there weren't a hint of a chippie.
Tomorrow I'm off for my weekly walk with my nature group and we are headed to one of my very favorite trails. It is usually abuzz with Yellow Warblers in the spring as many nest along the wetlands that the trail goes through. Looking forward to the outing very much.
This morning I got in a quick chat with my parents who are in Colorado for a few days. Then Hubs and I took MIL to one of her doctors, always a full-body experience. Then the gym for me. And tonight we are headed to the local pub for dinner, just for the heck of it.
I don't often photograph flowers, but I just brought a beautiful peachy-colored fox glove that I couldn't resist stnapping a shot of - see Extra if you'd like.
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