First tooth gone

Nathaniel came in at 6.15 am saying he’d lost George, his cuddly hippo. He hadn’t gone to sleep till late last night, but stayed in good form all day.

Ella was quite grumpy this morning. It is hard being 7. She has a lot on her mind -

“I don’t want you to die but you are 72 so you’ll die soon”.

“When will it be WW3?”

“Mummy drives to work and it causes pollution and pollution kills people”.

“Why can’t Theresa May be kinder”?

She cheered up when Mr C took them to the little play park through the field. She and Nathaniel played “Avengers” and “Super Heroes” for 2 hours in the park, swinging off stuff and charging about. They didn’t want to come back. #3 daughter had been marking A level mocks all day and managed to get it all done.

This is Nathaniel showing me the gap where he lost his fist tooth.

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