If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Ardea cinerea

One of the great joys for me of being on the canals is being able to see the wild life from fairly close range.  Grey Heron are a good example, on the boat they don't fly away until you get quite close, while on foot (certainly at home) they fly much sooner.  This adult posed nicely before stalking away up the bank to allow us to pass.

A nice calm warm sunny day, we continued up the Birmingham & Fazeley canal to Fazely junction and then turned on the Coventry Canal towards Tamworth.  After passing through Tamworth we moored for the night near Atherstone Lock 8.  Conveniently placed by a quiet road bridge for Frank to bring and fit the new isolation switch.  All 240v power was now restored, fortunately the lighting is 12v and the heating gas.

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