
By Hillyblips

Puff Ball

Woke up to loads of rain and we now have 2 pumps going full tilt to get rid of the water which is saturating the surrounding fields. Log delivery today at an ungodly hour of the morning which I didn't see as was blissfully sleeping and woke up feeling a tad fragile after last night shenanigans!!

It's a good job no-one can see me typing this. I've come back after 2 hours completely soaked and bedraggled from a walk at Kemerton Nature Reserve where I'd gone for just "10 minutes". The paths were treacherous and I slipped and squelched down the paths - it was very heavy going especially with all the camera gear.

Suddenly I came across quite a few roe deer which darted into the undergrowth and I really didn't have to follow them ...........but I did! Clambering over a gate clanking a tripod- any deer worth his salt would have been miles away. Stalking as quietly as I could one jumped up over the thistles just 10 feet away - and disappeared. Then it started tipping down at the further most point - no hat!!! Anyway I had managed to infiltrate the gated area to get this shot as there was no-one around to arrest me!

A member of the puff ball family; the holes are where the spores have shot out!

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