Allotment time
After a morning of ironing, then a late lunch, Jon and I went to the allotment loaded up with tools. We had loads to do, but probably did half of it. The grass between the beds was very long, so that was Jon's main job. Mean
while I hoed up my potatoes. Then I dug over and weeded a bed ready for my mange tout. I rigged up some plastic netting for them to climb up and planted them. I hope to put my courgettes in the gaps between the zigzag. Jon did some edging, making some of the other beds straighter. I wanted to weed around my strawberries, but that must wait until tomorrow now. Jon went off to collect Henry from work and I stayed on a bit to finish off. Dragged myself away to get the dinner on. It's just 3 of us tonight and I made a shepherds pie earlier, so that was easy. It's in the oven, and a bit of veg. A quick meal.
Sunday evening is my favourite. A bath, the durrells and Victoria. Sadly no four poster bed this week, but another day at home tomorrow makes up for it!
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