Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


So today I have made another dent into my to do list :)

Christmas cake has had the marzipan layer, I made mince tarts with marzipan stars (and Mr Mouse has already been tucking into the mince tarts :/)

I also made dog biscuits - they are for presents - first time that I have ever made them, the mix as per recipe was so dry there was no way it was going to turn into a dough so cue another egg, more oil and some water and I eventually got it dough like.

Thinking that next time I will try 2 tins of tuna rather than the one that was stated - I think they are American recipes - are their tins of Tuna bigger than ours?

Glue gun has been purchased I am determined to not let the bauble wreath defeat me - I got so far with wire wrapping it but as I have started to pack it out with more baubles the sodding things kept flying off their end caps - I guess thats what I get for buying cheap baubles.

Now what to do for dinner? Was thinking about cheating and getting a man to deliver food only our front door is swollen shut, its bad enough that we have to take post deliveries through the window.

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