One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Don't burst my bubble wrap rap

The kids were very excited with the arrival of a mysterious box yesterday. Or rather the day before, but no one was in when a very overworked and stressed parcelman in a speeding white van called around to Raheny Mansion.

Little did I know that the Brent geese have seriously upped their customer services skills. The whereabouts of my November maple syrup order was a source of concern.
Not only the box contained two huge bottles of Vermont and Canada's finest, there was also a most thoughtful letter of apology from Marcel LeHonk Sr. for the delay. And three little boxes of coal candy for the overexcited trio (the fact that Mimi and Luca spotted "candy" in the description of the content did not help). AND about 75 yards of grade A bubble wrap for an extra noisy little dance routine.

The box has since been used for the delivery of extra surprise breakfast (even though Finn knew that we only have Frosties at the moment, he was still very excited to open the box to find out what was inside).

At the last news, it had become a helmet for Luca.

But I have just read on the lid that "I understand that Express Mail, Priority Mail, and Global Express Guaranteed packaging is the property of the United States Postal Service and is provided free of charge* for use with USPS services.

Misuse may be a violation of federal law.

Jayzus. I'd better flatten it and dispose of the evidence in the recycling bin before the feds arrest my kids for grossly enjoyable misuse.

* unlike the postage - which was hefty!

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