Dead Rose

Had a busy day today for me in between 8 hours of work. 
Spent a couple of hours with my old schoolmates in the morning - lots to catch up on at brunch and always a treat. 
Had a very long overdue hair appointment late afternoon and found out that my hairdresser will be retiring which is annoying. However it did give me the opportunity to catch up with my commenting :)
Did 3 loads of washing and made a chilli for tea. 
After tea, went round to see mum and dad for a while - they are fine and looking forward to a week in Derbyshire next week. Mum is still doing OK with her treatment and her biggest side effect is a very dry mouth and loss of taste. But she's still very positive and is not really complaining at all. 
After all that I came home, still blipless and by the time I had finished my commenting I was quite tired. I had the intention of doing a board games EB but the sheer choice of board games on offer was overwhelming. So, after watching TV for a while I grabbed a quick blip of some dead flowers left over from my birthday but could not be bothered to get the computer out again to download it, hence the backblip first thing in the morning. Not entirely comfortable with this effort but it's all I had from yesterday. 

Have a good weekend everyone!

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