Tour de Yorkshire

So we’re ooop north. We are visiting Janet and Sheol”s cousin John, who is leading in the “get to the next big zero” race, and much fun and considerable eating and drinking is planned. But also there are all these strange people in bright Lycra...

It’s quite chilly out there, although in fairness as they climb towards the food stop they’re probably warmer than we were. We parked by Almscliffe Crag and walked over the brow of the hill to the interminable parade of blue lit police bikes and cars that precede the actual race.

Afterward, there was the interminable parade of support vehicles, spare bikes, camera teams and more police cars... honestly, some would have you think cycling was environmentally friendly... I think I said as much when they came through Charfield a few years ago. Cough.

Still, a fun sight. And in other news, yes, I was elected to Parish Council again, and gained the most votes of all the successful candidates too which was nice. It does of course mean all those brave plans I mooted for the Council can’t readily be passed to someone else now. Hey ho.

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