In search of Early Spider orchids

One of the benefits of only working part time now is I can attend the Horsham Natural History society monthly walks. Today we went to the Castle Hill NR which is high on the downs behind Brighton, I have been there before several times, but this year the Early spider orchids Ophrys sphegodes were stunning as you can see from my shot. Sadly the area they grow in is now fenced off (to keep sheep under control not protect the orchids !) and getting to them meant climbing over numerous styles which I find quite difficult these days. 
We walked to the bottom of the valley where the derelict barn is, See extra, then back up the unbelievably steep slope to the main path. There were times I thought I wouldn't make it as I am quite wheezy at the moment, but having done it I feel a real sense of achievement!
If you have chance please take a peep of my shot of little Lex back blipped from yesterday.

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