The second half of life..

By twigs


There's a part of my property that hardly ever gets visited and it seems to have been a case of 'out of sight, out of mind'. It was the weeds up at window level that prompted me to head into the area and start a tidy-up today. And oh boy, does it need a tidy up!

I'd managed about an hour of weed pulling before taking a break and managed another half an hour or so later.

I've hit a problem. Well, 2 to be exact.

There's a self-set agapanthus that's grown behind the gate and when I forced the gate open I forced the gate of it's hinge :( I'll need to fix it soon as any strong winds are likely to pull the whole thing down.

This is the offending agapanthus - a beautiful flower (although widely considered a weed) and clearly a lot tougher than its soft and serene look might have you think!

The other problem I found is a major probelm with a windowsill. It'll require more than me to fix it :(

Had the world ended yesterday I would never have found these 2 wee problems but at the end of the day, I'd rather have these problems than no world :)

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