Small steps towards big targets

As a former Environment Minister I very much support the First Minister's statement on Sunday.  The evidence shows we are in a climate emergency and the young people who have been protesting to get that message across are right .

I was also not surprised - indeed heartened in a strange way - to read the verdict of the CCC today that all of us will have to work harder and move faster towards the zero net emissions goal, a process being led  in Scotland by my good friend and colleague (and ex blipper....)  the current Environment Cabinet Secretary Roseanna Cunningham.  

That means many things - re-learning how we do things first of all, but also many big steps which will require political courage and co-operation  accompanied by  many small steps we can all achieve , despite any minor inconvenience.

Small steps encouraged by national bodies like Scottish Water who are installing modern versions of drinking fountains, the first of which is now in place outside the Scottish Parliament  in order to allow people to fill up re-usable bottles (some of which are provided by Scottish Water) and thus   eschew plastic.   

So on my way into work this morning I did just that 

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