First of May

Tis the season to go to garden centres, so to Dobbie’s we did go. Except that no sooner was I in their new improved retail experience than I had to eat. Weak with hunger, I was. And what with the smell of their scones a-wafting across the concourses, I had no option but to sit and stuff my brooko as I was all come over bezoomny like.
After that, the trolley was quickly filled with a bizarre collection of veggies and a honeysuckle. But the only riddle I could lay hands on was plastic. Home to plant out a few before heading to the Filmhouse to watch Styx - a "moral thriller" according to the blurb but actually a bit slow and puzzling as to the target. Well set up, but then, not a lot.
But the diggers was thrilling - a triffic game - and Liverpool were pretty decent but at that level n’that ... thought Robertson was outstanding. Still, can’t see them putting four past Barcelona in the return.
So, Huawei and the sacking of the defence secretary, Gavin Williamson.. I’m nostalgic for the days when the sacking of the Secretary of State for Defence for leaking secret briefings would have been huge, and scandalous, news. These days it’s no big deal - the revolving door never stops with nonentities whirling through it. *shakes head*

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