
I just love seeing how much these 2 have bonded since our trip to Cornwall. Mr W loves a hug and Bella loves to give one. Perfect match.

I had my steroid injection into my frozen shoulder under Ultra Sound guidance today. Its wasn't a pleasant experience by any means. The last one into my other shoulder was so much better. I saw a consultant physio who knew what he was doing and just jabbed me once with the same needle for both anaesthetic and steroid and I hardly felt a thing. No US needed. This time there was a consultant radiologist teaching another radiologist how to do it with another nurse trying to make small talk to take my mind off it. They whispered and faffed and dropped things on the floor and prodded and poked for ages. I would have much rather have just been told that it was a teaching session and would I mind and just leave me to sit with my eyes closed and concentrate on my breathing to get through it. And actually all I wanted to tell them was to just hurry up as I had left my puppy at home alone for the first time!!!!

Anyway, it was done. Eventually. They like you to sit for 20 minutes before you leave to make sure you don't react to the steroids but I was already kept waiting for 20 minutes before the start and I just wanted to get home - only to find Bella fast asleep where I left her at the bottom of the stairs!! She hadn't even eaten the treat I had left her with.

I had to take it easy for the evening so luckily had got a TV dinner out the freezer. Sadly Mr W doesn't cook. He irons! And Bella kept her distance from me - much like she did from Sam when he came out of hospital. Im wondering if they can smell anaesthetic???? But I took just as much pleasure from watching Mr W and Bella together. I think he finally loves her although he would never admit that. He said you can't love a dog. He means HE can't love a dog!! I certainly do!!!

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