18 Months

How has it been a year and a half? I know I always say it but that’s because I truly can’t believe how quickly time has passed this last year!
I always remember my Grandma saying time passes more quickly as you get older and perhaps she’s right because, although I try to appreciate each day a little more, the days seem to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Happy 1.5 years to our little happy chappy, Maxi moo ma, escape artist baby!
You are well and truly on the move now, you love anything you can open and close, in particular gates and doors. You wake up with a smile and go to bed with a smile. You do know how to tell us when you’re angry too though! You want to sit in Anya’s car seat, eat with a big knife and fork, drink from a glass and put your own shoes on. You’re mr independent but you do love a cuddle and a squeeze and we wouldn’t change you one bit.
You are saying Mama, Dada, Aya (Anya), na nigh (night night), shoo shoo (shoes), woof and shee (sheep)
You click your tongue when you see a horse and you love animals. This week you have learnt to play/join in with the sleeping bunnies song and have been hopping around like crazy!

Another 6 months have flown by, let’s hope the next are just as fun...

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