Back at the dunes

On Monday I went to the dunes with Ann and her friends, Caroline & Tony, and I was the bestest little puppy ever. My recall was amazing, but Ann thought it might have been because I was in a 'pack'???? So today we went back to the dunes to see if I could be trusted off my lead with just Ann. I could! Yay! Every time Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I went zooming back for little bits of sausage.

We walked for 45 mins and apart from one little incident (when I was trying to find out what lived in some prickly bushes) I came back to Ann every single time. I even found a big black boy dog to play with (see extras) but when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I came. Yay!

…..............Unfortunately I cannot say the same about my trips into the field today?!! I've been in the field three times today and each time I have found a little stick and ran around with it and refused to come when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come'. Why have I started to do that; when for the last couple of weeks, I've been a perfect pooch when I've been off my lead? Apparently if I do that again tomorrow, I'm not going to be allowed off my lead in the field again. Booooohooooo.


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