Festival of Christmas Trees

A chaotic start to the day but all 4 children got off to school/nursery leaving Alison and I to finally put the backing on the piano and Ben to fix the last couple of parquet tiles in the hall. How posh does we sound?! Then we headed to Dunelm for a mooch and a coffee while Ben did some work.

We got back to take Bella and Red for lunch at Gylly beach Cafe. It was bit differnt to last Friday - much colder, mizzley and no surfers, swimmers or helicopters! But the food was good as was the company.

Home via Baileys for chicken food and wood, Lidl for tea and school for the last remaining children. Thank goodness school has finally finished. Once is started getting dark, we went to see the Christmas Trees. They look fabulous with their lights, really worth a visit if you are local. I tried to get any photos but they just dont do it justice.

I have spent the evening transferring photos from my phone and camera onto the hard drive. I had filled the Panasonic memory card on my camera and have been using the spare since Monday. It came up with a message that it wasnt formatted for video on my camera. Which I ignored as I was able to video a couple of things on Monday. Turns out these videos dont transfer onto the laptop,but I only discovered this AFTER I had cleared the memory card...

So backblips from Monday:
Piss Poor
Slightly better
Wouldn't let me edit
Zombie/Vampire Boy?!

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