That's "asbestos", yet again.
As in "That's asbestos I can do."
Having wittered on, Monday, about the new L.E.D. lights I've been trying to catch them in illustrative mode, not very successfully.
I tried turning and twisting them in such a way as to illustrate how they were seen as single, or double dependent upon whether they were viewed directly, by refraction, or a bit of both, but the tended to revert to that well known group, when I reached for the camera. (Well known group?? Status Quo!)
There were about 30 attempts made in this batch.
I spotted a couple of blues seen by "total internal reflection"(?), another blue seems to be refracted through the end, without actually seeing it directly, etc. with a lot O. o. F.
Up in far, extreme, top, left there's a green which appears to be almost unlit, illustrating the fact that the actual light source is down below the black surround.
At which point I cussed and gave up.
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